Today I want to talk about Epidote. I’m wondering how many people are familiar with this stone, and I’m hoping that after today’s introduction all of you who don’t know Epidote will request a personal meeting.
Epidote is usually a dark green color, almost black, like licorice, and it comes in different formations. I’m particularly fond of the hexagonal crystals, but it can also look quite a lot like Tourmaline, especially when it exists as needles included in Quartz.
In Crystal Surgery, we use Epidote in a very specific manner to pull the cords of socialization and criticism, including self-criticism. If this were Epidote’s only use, that would certainly be enough for me, because observing how destructive and limiting our socialization and experiences of being criticized actually are, and how profoundly internalized our self-criticism becomes, I understand the significance of shifting this dynamic.
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