Friday, September 29, 2023

Crystals for Dehydration and Electrolyte Balance

 In the last few months, I’ve noticed a recurring theme in private sessions, namely dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This typically happens after heat, exercise and illness. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance set up an urgency in the session. There is no way we can benefit from healing work when the physical body is compromised in this manner. On a related note, I should also say, that practitioners cannot deliver decent Energy Healing and Bodywork sessions if they themselves are tending toward dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The first step has to be to rectify the imbalance. When I notice such an issue in an in-person session, I ask the person to sit up and I provide an initial 8 oz of water, and after that, I can resume the session. If it is a remote session, I ask the person to get herself a drink of water.

But even once the water has been drunk, there is still more work to do. Firstly, 8 oz of water will be insufficient if the client has been dehydrated and secondly, a glass of water does not provide any of the necessary electrolytes. Consequently, there will be a significant lag between drinking the water and achieving the desired balance in the physical body. Note that when it comes to electrolytes, drinking big quantities of water can actually cause a dilution of the electrolytes, and this is physiologically undesirable.

Fortunately, all is not lost, because crystals can help. The crystal that works excellently with all water-related issues, is Moonstone. For yourself, or an in-person session, take a smooth piece of Moonstone, like a sphere, a lingam or a palm stone, and rub this on the abdomen, chest, shoulders, back, legs and feet. In Crystal Surgery we call this “first layer infusion.”

In a remote session, place the proxy crystal on a “bed” of Moonstone. This is done by putting two Moonstone palm stones down in the work space, and then placing the proxy crystal on top of the Moonstone. Next, use a Moonstone wand to grid the proxy crystal, distributing the Moonstone energy throughout the energy field.

Another stone that can help is Magnesite. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Magnesite, it looks a lot like Calcite, and is chemically very similar to Calcite, except it is less stable. Actually, it is this instability that makes it so helpful to us — because it is releasing desirable ions of Magnesium into our energy field. Among other things, Magnesite helps our nerves, and helps our electrolyte balance.

Another important mineral is Phosphorous. A crystal that is rich in Phosphorous is Apatite. Again, you can either infuse the Apatite into the first layer of the energy field, in the same way as described with Moonstone, or you can grid with it. Apatite has a remarkably calming effect, probably because of the way it induces balance.

Using Moonstone, Magnesite and Apatite, in these ways can be very refreshing, but you, or your client, MUST follow up. Remember that dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are physiological conditions that seriously compromise the physical body and therefore, sensible physical measures should also be applied. If, like me, you don’t want to use sugary drinks with artificial coloring, in the name of good health, find a high quality electrolyte drink to keep on hand, at work, at home and when exercising.

Personally, I think it is a pity to use the time of a crystal healing session to correct a physiological imbalance that a) shouldn’t have been allowed to happen in the first place and b) can be corrected by availing one’s self of the excellent products that are so easily available to us these days. Let’s be more responsible, and attend to our hydration and electrolyte balance on a daily basis — a sure step to enjoying improved health and vitality.

Tuesday, September 19, 2023

Guest Post: Creating Positivity and Peace – 7 Amazing Crystals for Your Home

Your home is your safe haven, the place you go to recharge and be at peace, so naturally keeping this space safe will become your priority. Sometimes threats in our home are not physical, they can be energetic as well.

Like burglar bars and alarm systems which protect you from physical harm, crystals are believed to have strong qualities that protect your home’s energy and spiritual atmosphere. This guide will take you through seven crystals you could place in your home to generate a peaceful and positive environment.

To get a better understanding of crystals and their spiritual effect, it is helpful if you understand your body in the energetic sense.

Understanding Your Body

Our bodies often play a role in what manifests into our physical environment/reality.  For example, if you are often stressed and plagued by negative thoughts, that negativity infuses your whole life. Think about how thought precedes manifestation: How many times have you thought about either an object or a person, and then very shortly afterwards you see that object, or hear from that person? Yes, it happens to us all the time!

That is why it is essential to monitor your mind, your thoughts and your heart because very often what happens around us synchronizes with our energy. Although you cannot stop yourself from having a negative thought, the important step to take is to consciously and consistently follow the negative thoughts with positive thoughts.

Thoughts are the familiar manifestations of the brain and mind and on their own, thoughts are neutral. However, their quality – whether they are negative or positive, destructive or constructive, depends on our energy. The best-known components of our human energy system are the chakras.

The 7 Chakras

Chakras are described as energy centers in your body, specifically situated along a central column. In the most commonly recognized chakra map, taken from the Vedic culture, there are seven chakras, namely; the root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, third eye and the crown chakra. The chakras are also numbered from one to seven, with the root chakra being the first chakra and the crown chakra being the seventh. Additionally, the chakras have specific rainbow colors associated with them: Red for root, orange for sacral, yellow for solar plexus, green and pink for heart, sky-blue for throat, navy blue/indigo for third eye and violet for crown. 

Read More Click Here : Crystal Healing Classes | Crystal Healer Training

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