Monday, November 27, 2023

Howlite: The Most Underrated Stone Ever!

Match the color that you wear to your inner vibrational frequency.

Welcome back to The Schapera Show, where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. This is the part of the show where I, Vivien, talk to crystals and today we are talking to Howlite. While we are all running around oohing and aahing over expensive crystals like Tourmaline and Aquamarine, there is a freely available, inexpensive option that is unbelievably versatile and powerful and it is called “Howlite.”

Howlite has to be the most underrated stone ever. Its appearance is pleasant enough — to me it looks a little bit like the marble we see on kitchen countertops — white with grey veins, but its effect is phenomenal!

Let’s first talk about Howlite’s versatility. It is so versatile, that it gets dyed and sold as: Turquoise, Lapis, Sodalite, Aventurine and Sugilite. There are two aspects to dyeing a stone. The first is to resemble the other stone — so that means the end buyer can be fooled into thinking the Howlite is one of these other stones, Turquoise for example, because of what it looks like. But let’s remember, we all ultimately decide on buying a stone, not because of what it looks like — even if this is the initial attraction — but because of how it feels. And if we look up the most sought-after properties of Turquoise, Lapis, Sodalite, Aventurine and Sugilite we discover that lo and behold — Howlite has those properties too!

Here’s an example of how Howlite is underrated: Melody says in her Mineral Encyclopedia: “Howlite has been used to eliminate pain, stress and rage; hence it is quite nice to have around.” (p.364) I mean really!!! What more can we want — and then all Howlite gets is a “quite nice,” instead of a “pretty darn spectacular!”

So, what are these spectacular properties that Howlite has? Howlite:

  • Supports reason, observation and patience, as well as memory and the pursuit of knowledge — thereby supporting the intellect
  • Antidotes over-critical behaviors, selfishness, and facetiousness
  • Supports emotional balance
  • Builds “innate decency,” paving the path to spirituality

Additionally, Howlite can “lessen both rudeness and boisterousness, and can further provide for a reflection of the offender to the offender. It discourages impertinent behavior and encourages subtlety and tact.” p.364

Physiologically, Howlite is also good for balancing calcium and helping issues with teeth, bone and soft tissue.

In summary, Howlite positively affects us physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually — which is why it can be disguised, with mere dye, as a host of significant stones. Bottom line: Don’t throw your dyed stones out just because they are dyed, your dyed stones are quite probably Howlite, a dignified contender.

When I ask Howlite what it wants to say to you all, it is quite clear: “Ask yourself: “Am I being underrated by myself or others? The answer is probably ‘yes.’”

And then, in a very surprising twist, Howlite adds: “There is a saying: ‘The clothes maketh the man.’ This is true! I become appreciated and recognized when I am dyed a different color, because that is when my core traits — my true value — become perceived.

“Choose your clothes to reflect your inner nature and you will enjoy life even more. The principle is to have to your clothes match your inner vibrational frequency so that you both feel 100% comfortable and people can recognize what lies under the surface. One of the best ways to do this, is through the correct use of color. Each color has its vibrational frequency and by matching the color that you wear with your vibrational frequency, you support and enhance your energy.

“In your culture, you tend to all dress the same — like a uniform — depicting that you ‘belong.’ This is OK, but you also need to show who you are. Let your colors and your clothes harmonize correctly with your vibrational frequency and you will be quite gratified at what happens next.”

Well, thank you, Howlite. I am quite gratified to receive such surprising and helpful insights from you, and clearly … next stop is “shopping!”

Thank you all for joining us here on The Schapera Show. Please join us again next month!


Thursday, November 23, 2023

Did This Really Just Happen? : Vivien Writes in Relatable Voice Magazine

 This is a tale of how I came to accept that I have a

skill that isn’t generally considered possible. Of
course, this story belongs in my book Everyday
Magic, where I share the series of such stories that
constitute my life, but this specific event occurred
after I completed the manuscript.
Here’s what happened:

Read More : Crystal SurgeryCrystal Healing Techniques

Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Bachelor's Certification Study Group | crystal for healing

Zoom calls, guided study, practice partners, practice sessions and tutors.

Study with Vivien Schapera, Founder of Crystal Surgery.

Fall Semester 2023 dates and times:

Five (5) Zoom Calls August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11, December 9

11:15am. – 1:00pm. ET

Two (2) Practical Sessions August 26, October 28 12 noon – 2:00pm. ET

The semester content is archived after the semester is completed.

You have lifetime access to archived content as long as you pay the annual Community Membership.

What does this Study Group include?

  • When you purchase this Study Group you will receive a confirmation email that includes a coupon enabling you to purchase one of the Crystal Surgery Course (CS1 or CS2 or CS3) for half price
  • 5 Study Group Zoom Calls: August 12, September 9, October 14, November 11, December 9. Times: 11:15 am. – 1:00pm.ET
    You do not have to attend the zoom calls to participate in Study Group, but you must commit to watching the recording as soon as possible after it is posted. Zoom Calls will be posted on the website within 7 days of recording.

  • Practical sessions both online and in-person, for students in the Cincinnati region, on the following dates: August 26; October 28.
    Times 12 noon – 2:00pm. ET. Please mark your calendars.
  • 14 Weeks of Practical Training: 1.5 – 3 hours/week*
    Practicing skills, techniques and procedures with practice partners and study buddies.

  • Submission of Reports.

  • Individual Guidance and Feedback from Your Instructors.

    More info :  Bachelor's Certification Study Group | crystal for healing

Monday, November 20, 2023

Crystals for Dehydration and Electrolyte Balance

 In the last few months, I’ve noticed a recurring theme in private sessions, namely dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This typically happens after heat, exercise and illness. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance set up an urgency in the session. There is no way we can benefit from healing work when the physical body is compromised in this manner. On a related note, I should also say, that practitioners cannot deliver decent Energy Healing and Bodywork sessions if they themselves are tending toward dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The first step has to be to rectify the imbalance. When I notice such an issue in an in-person session, I ask the person to sit up and I provide an initial 8 oz of water, and after that, I can resume the session. If it is a remote session, I ask the person to get herself a drink of water.

But even once the water has been drunk, there is still more work to do. Firstly, 8 oz of water will be insufficient if the client has been dehydrated and secondly, a glass of water does not provide any of the necessary electrolytes. Consequently, there will be a significant lag between drinking the water and achieving the desired balance in the physical body. Note that when it comes to electrolytes, drinking big quantities of water can actually cause a dilution of the electrolytes, and this is physiologically undesirable.

Fortunately, all is not lost, because crystals can help. The crystal that works excellently with all water-related issues, is Moonstone. For yourself, or an in-person session, take a smooth piece of Moonstone, like a sphere, a lingam or a palm stone, and rub this on the abdomen, chest, shoulders, back, legs and feet. In Crystal Surgery we call this “first layer infusion.”

In a remote session, place the proxy crystal on a “bed” of Moonstone. This is done by putting two Moonstone palm stones down in the work space, and then placing the proxy crystal on top of the Moonstone. Next, use a Moonstone wand to grid the proxy crystal, distributing the Moonstone energy throughout the energy field.

Another stone that can help is Magnesite. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Magnesite, it looks a lot like Calcite, and is chemically very similar to Calcite, except it is less stable. Actually, it is this instability that makes it so helpful to us — because it is releasing desirable ions of Magnesium into our energy field. Among other things, Magnesite helps our nerves, and helps our electrolyte balance.

Read More :

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Crystal Healing Foundation Course


No matter what discipline you are studying, the wise and experienced teachers always confirm the same principle: To develop a skill, you must first learn the basics. To improve, learn the basics to a higher level. To become a master, return to the basics yet again, and learn the basics at the Master level.

It is highly likely that the subjects and topics in this foundation course are already familiar to you. Yes, this is a review of the traditional methods of crystal healing, the methods that are already “out there.”

21st Century Crystal Healing Techniques builds on traditional methods. If you are a beginner, you still need to know these traditional methods. If you are experienced, whatever style of crystal healing you currently use, please continue. There is nothing “wrong” with “old” techniques that have been around for centuries. In fact, those are the techniques that have stood the test of time!

Like all disciplines, Crystal Healing must continue to evolve, and these new techniques are not instead of the “old” techniques, they are “as well as.”

We need to develop a shared foundation, and we also need to ensure that we are speaking the “same language.” This is so necessary, that we are providing this course for free!

Want to learn more?
Take a look at our 
Community Membership option!

Please read and note the disclaimer statement before proceeding:
I understand that crystal healing is a complementary service and is not a substitute for medical diagnosis and medical care.

The information is organized so that the terms and concepts will be explained at the time, and only to the extent, that they are needed for learning a healing technique.

As the techniques progress, you will need to learn more terms and concepts, and the information about previously learned terms and concepts will also be expanded.

Take your time reading through the material, perhaps reading a lesson per day or per week. I learned about crystals by reading the introductory sections to Melody’s books again and again, one section at a time. I didn’t try to learn anything “off by heart” — I allowed the material to sink in slowly and by repetition. Every time I became confused by a concept or term, I simply returned to my references, and re-read the pertinent sections. I encourage you to find the way that works for you.


Friday, November 3, 2023


 You can see each image in greater detail by clicking on it,

then click on the image that opens and use your “Open Image in new tab” option
then click on the little magnifying icon that appears on the image.

Please download the images that contain the crystals you are interested in purchasing:
Click on image.
Then Click on image that opens and Save the image to download it to your computer. Using a photo editing app on your phone or computer, please circle very clearly the stones you want.
Please email these edited images to:
We will let you know if the stones are still available and the cost including shipping, and how to pay.
After receiving payment, your order will be shipped asap.


Spirit Report: Meeting a Spirit in Plant Form

 Listen to just Neils segment of the Schapera Show above You can listen to the entire Schapera Show broadcast of Friday 01-10-2025 here Hi ...