Saturday, March 30, 2024

Crystals for Dehydration and Electrolyte Balance | Crystal Surgery

In the last few months, I’ve noticed a recurring theme in private sessions, namely dehydration and electrolyte imbalance. This typically happens after heat, exercise and illness. Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance set up an urgency in the session. There is no way we can benefit from healing work when the physical body is compromised in this manner. On a related note, I should also say, that practitioners cannot deliver decent Energy Healing and Bodywork sessions if they themselves are tending toward dehydration and electrolyte imbalance.

The first step has to be to rectify the imbalance. When I notice such an issue in an in-person session, I ask the person to sit up and I provide an initial 8 oz of water, and after that, I can resume the session. If it is a remote session, I ask the person to get herself a drink of water.

But even once the water has been drunk, there is still more work to do. Firstly, 8 oz of water will be insufficient if the client has been dehydrated and secondly, a glass of water does not provide any of the necessary electrolytes. Consequently, there will be a significant lag between drinking the water and achieving the desired balance in the physical body. Note that when it comes to electrolytes, drinking big quantities of water can actually cause a dilution of the electrolytes, and this is physiologically undesirable.

Fortunately, all is not lost, because crystals can help. The crystal that works excellently with all water-related issues, is Moonstone. For yourself, or an in-person session, take a smooth piece of Moonstone, like a sphere, a lingam or a palm stone, and rub this on the abdomen, chest, shoulders, back, legs and feet. In Crystal Surgery we call this “first layer infusion.”

In a remote session, place the proxy crystal on a “bed” of Moonstone. This is done by putting two Moonstone palm stones down in the work space, and then placing the proxy crystal on top of the Moonstone. Next, use a Moonstone wand to grid the proxy crystal, distributing the Moonstone energy throughout the energy field.

Another stone that can help is Magnesite. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Magnesite, it looks a lot like Calcite, and is chemically very similar to Calcite, except it is less stable. Actually, it is this instability that makes it so helpful to us – because it is releasing desirable ions of Magnesium into our energy field. Among other things, Magnesite helps our nerves, and helps our electrolyte balance.

Another important mineral is Phosphorous. A crystal that is rich in Phosphorous is Apatite. Again, you can either infuse the Apatite into the first layer of the energy field, in the same way as described with Moonstone, or you can grid with it. Apatite has a remarkably calming effect, probably because of the way it induces balance.

Using Moonstone, Magnesite and Apatite, in these ways can be very refreshing, but you, or your client, MUST follow up. Remember that dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are physiological conditions that seriously compromise the physical body and therefore, sensible physical measures should also be applied. If, like me, you don’t want to use sugary drinks with artificial coloring, in the name of good health, find a high quality electrolyte drink to keep on hand, at work, at home and when exercising.

Personally, I think it is a pity to use the time of a crystal healing session to correct a physiological imbalance that a) shouldn’t have been allowed to happen in the first place and b) can be corrected by availing one’s self of the excellent products that are so easily available to us these days. Let’s be more responsible, and attend to our hydration and electrolyte balance on a daily basis – a sure step to enjoying improved health and vitality.

Get More Info : crystal healer course

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Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Vivien in conversation with Linda Mackenzie - Crystal Healing for Body Mind and Spirit’s very own, Linda Mackenzie, has written yet another fantastic book: Total Mind-Body-Spirit Weight Loss.

Here’s what Vivien had to say about the book:

“I was mighty impressed from the moment that I opened the book because you go directly to the heart of the matter and nail the true problem – stress. And I can confirm from my own research and experience that this is EXACTLY correct.”

Get More Info : Crystal Healing for Body Mind and Spirit | Crystal For Healing

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Read More : Crystal Course Online

Friday, March 15, 2024

Thulite: The stone for mixed emotions


Hello and welcome back to The Schapera Show where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. This is the part of the show where I, Vivien, talk to stones and talk about stones. Guess what? You may have heard this before, but I truly think that Thulite is my new best friend.

What’s Thulite? You may not have heard about Thulite before, but once you hear what I have to say about Thulite, and what Thulite has to say to you, I’m guessing that you too will go out and find yourself this new best friend.

Thulite comes from Norway; it is a Zoisite and it ranges in color from grey to pink, white to rose, and pink to rose. Zoisite is a member of the Epidote group, which also includes Tanzanite, that beautiful blue gem stone that is so expensive. In Crystal Surgery, Zoisite is very, very important, because it transmutes negative energies into positive force fields. I have witnessed this amazing effect repeatedly for 25 years now when using Ruby in Zoisite in a Detox procedure, and I’m also witnessing it in the wee hours of the morning, when I wake up and need Thulite to lull me back to sleep.

Here’s the first message from Thulite. I’m thinking about this choice of words regarding Thulite’s properties, and I’m wondering: What’s the difference between “transmute” and “transform” and Thulite says: “Look it up.” So, I do and get the following explanation: Transmute means to change so completely that there is no going back, whereas transform can go back and forth, like a transformer toy. That makes me ask Thulite: “Then what about shapeshifting?” To which Thulite responds: “Well, that’s a temporary taking on of a different shape, selected for a specific purpose, and does not speak to your ongoing identity. Shapeshifting is an ability not a form of personal change.” Hmm, well that’s clear! Thank you, Thulite.

From this conversation, I understand that this is one of the ways that Thulite works — generating clear distinctions with perhaps mathematical precision — so that we can see exactly where the line is. And the significance of this is immediately clear to me. Once we know where the line is, we can behave accordingly plus, we know which way is up. In the steering of energetics, knowing which way is up is paramount, and of wonderful personal meaning to me because “up direction” is the specific territory of the Alexander Technique.

This aspect of Thulite, the aspect of “mathematical precision,” may sound rather cold and hard, but Thulite tempers this technical temperament via its extraordinarily appealing color and vibration, which embodies the concept of “soft and comforting.” This helps me realize just how effectively Thulite balances yin and yang energies, and opens the door for me to see that this is Thulite’s special gift to us, helping us to unconsciously balance the energies of pro-active vs surrender, perseverance vs acceptance. As Thulite assists us into balance we experience inner peace instead of inner conflict, bringing an empowered alignment between Body, Mind and Spirit.

It seems to me that Thulite could be the stone of this year. Thulite asked me to talk about it last year, and I said “Let’s wait until I have more of you.” It became my mission to obtain more Thulite at the Tucson Gem Show. Then, while I was at the gem show, a young woman contacted me, asking for a stone to help her with regard to a very exciting upcoming pivotal career moment that had become fraught with mixed emotions. Thulite jumped up and down in excitement, shouting “Me, me, me.” I wasn’t so sure. The danger of projecting one’s own stuff onto others is ever-present. In this situation, Thulite added: “Well, look me up on the internet then — get someone else’s point of view.” So, I did. In spot #1 on Google, someone had written a blog describing Thulite’s properties and what she said was an exact, exact, exact match with the very career dynamic that was concerning the young woman. I was actually a bit taken aback, feeling as though Thulite had set me up in some way. Then, when the young woman received her Thulite stones and saw them, she wrote to tell me that when she had envisioned a stone to help her, she had envisioned the exact rose-pink color of the Thulite, so she could immediately recognize the rightness of the choice.

But that’s not all. Also, while we were in Tucson, another woman contacted me about sessions. Then, when we had the first session, she asked whether there was a stone that could help her with the upcoming loss of her best friend, ill with a terminal condition. Once again, Thulite asserted “Me, me, me” and this time I was ready. “Yes,” I said, “I can send you some Thulite, once the palette arrives.” Fortunately, I had listened, and I had bought a supply of Thulite in pendants, palm stones, spheres and pocket stones. I felt like I couldn’t get enough of it.

Read more About:- Crystal Healing Techniques

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Incorporating Crystal Healing into Piercing Aftercare



Piercings have always been and continue to be an integral part of self-expression for different people around the world. With their roots in both cultural and historical facets, piercings have been a part of art, history, culture, and even fashion.

While piercings can be a creative outlet for expressing oneself, they also come with the responsibility of being taken care of. Once a person decides to commit to a piercing, they also have to commit to its proper aftercare.

While conventional approaches dictate the usage of optimum hygiene, and disinfectants to take care of a new piercing, there are additional ways to care for them. Crystal healing is one such holistic approach that can expand the aftercare of piercings.

What is Crystal Healing?

Crystal healing is the art of using semi-precious stones like quartz, amethyst, opal, and bloodstone to promote physical, spiritual, and emotional well-being of a person. They can be placed in one’s environment like their home to counteract any negative energies and promote holistic well-being.

The use of crystals to heal and help people dates back to 5000 BC China. It was there that this art first originated and even today has a wide demand all over the world.

People use these healing crystals for various purposes. Some stones are responsible for bringing happiness, others bring prosperity and money. Some stones help people grow in their career while others are used to activate a healing response.

Get more Information about it : Crystal Healer Certification

Contact us : Click Here

Spirit Report: Meeting a Spirit in Plant Form

 Listen to just Neils segment of the Schapera Show above You can listen to the entire Schapera Show broadcast of Friday 01-10-2025 here Hi ...