Thursday, July 18, 2024

Community Zoom Class of July 13, 2024 with Vivien Schapera, Midge Murphy Energy Healing and the Law, Heather Leigh Strom Galactic K9 Channel

Vivien Schapera: Founder of Crystal Surgery Midge Murphy: Energy Healing and the Law Heather Leigh Strom: Galactic K9 Channel Watch ...

Vivien Schapera: Founder of Crystal Surgery
Midge Murphy: Energy Healing and the Law
Heather Leigh Strom: Galactic K9 Channel

Watch the Show here

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Thursday, July 4, 2024

Vivien in Conversation with Maetreyii Ma Nola – Melt Back into Infinite Love and Bliss

 Maetreyii Ma Nolan

Vivien: Hello and welcome to The Schapera Show where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. Our guest today is Maetreyii Ma Nolan, an award-winning author, psychologist, and spiritual teacher who has developed a worldwide following, bringing forth the deep wisdom that manifests to her both through her inner guide, Baba, and in her guru, the renowned Indian mystic Shrii Shrii Anandamurti, Baba.

Hi Maetreyii, thank you for coming on our show today.

Maetreyii: Hello Vivien, thank you for having me!

Vivien: So, Maetreyii, in a nutshell, in addition to being a psychologist, you are also a mystic, and you have written a book. Also, in a nutshell, can you tell us what your book is about?

Maetreyii: Yes! My book is there to help people. We live in a material culture so our mystical experiences are kept hidden. We have to come out of the closet with our spiritual experiences, we need to believe in ourselves and believe in our own experiences. Mystical experiences seem different and can be hard to accept so we hide them.

My book is called Heart of the Infinite: A Spiritual Memoir of an Extraordinary Mystical Journey.

It is the story of my personal transformation, and of course words like “remarkable” are insufficient for expressing the state of ecstatic love and spiritual bliss that I experienced, even while staying integrated in the practical everyday world – but I’ve tried my best to get this down in writing to inspire others who desire such an evolutionary journey.

Vivien: Yes, we must try to write it down, mustn’t we! Can you tell me, what does your name mean?

Maetreyii: Indeed! Maetreyii – means “spiritual friend’ in Sanskrit.

Vivien: And I have another question. I’ve always wanted to ask someone this – what does “Baba” mean?

Maetreyii: “Baba: is used to address a male spiritual teacher – it means “respected teacher.” Its most esoteric meaning is “divine beloved”

Vivien: Thank you! For me, coming from South Africa “Baba” means “baby” so it has been an emotionally confusing terminology.

Maetreyii: Well, the vibration of that name is fascinating – in Eastern Europe “bubbe’ means granny. The same sound, with the b’s and the vowels are used in several intimate relationship meanings, denoting personalized affection.

Vivien: Yes, my ancestors are from Eastern Europe, and growing up, I called my grandmother “Bobbe.” I’m familiar with that too. So, Maetreyii, what’s the bottom line here for you?

Maetreyii: The divine is guiding us. When you’ve had a deep experience, it is natural to want to share it. But we live in a culture where you can only tell your closest friend that a being showed up in your room.

Vivien: Now there’s another question that I have been wanting to ask a suitably qualified person for the longest time!!! How can you tell the difference between psychotic delusions and hallucinations, and mystical experiences?

Maetreyii: Yeah, that’s a very, very important distinction: Psychotic people vs mystical experiences. I have dealt with this a lot.

The differential diagnosis about whether an experience is mystical or psychotic is a very gray area, scary, hard to define. And that’s why its fearful for people. Even incredible experiences of bliss are fearful for people because they are so different from our regular reality.

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