The Crystal Surgery 1, 2 & 3 syllabus has considerable overlap with the HCP one year Healer Certification Program offered by FourWinds Academy. This document outlines what needs to be added to the Crystal Surgery training in order to attain the [E]HCP certification.
What does [E] mean?
The program used to be known as HCP, but going forward it will be known as Energy Healer Certification Program instead of Healer Certification Program. This change has been made due to the information brought to our attention by Midge Murphy with regard to Energy Healing and the law.
What needs to be added to the Crystal Surgery training?
Structured instruction in the 7 chakras
Energy Healing using hands (not crystals)
Intuition training (without crystals)
Level 1 Shamanic Training
How will this additional training be achieved?
Structured training in the 7 chakras will be presented during the Bachelor’s Study Group zoom calls
Energy Healing using hands will be presented as a series of explanatory video demonstrations, equivalent to the lessons in Crystal Surgery 1, 2 & 3 (No additional fee, access will be given to all registrants)
Intuition training is presented in a better format than ever before in the How to Read Energy course. Doing a rotation of How to Read Energy, without crystals, will achieve the conversion. The rotation will be led by Brooke Lieb. A one-time purchase of the How to Read Energy course ($300) will be required. Graduates who have previously purchased the course do not need to buy it again, but do need to participate in the rotation. This will require a partner exchange once every 2 weeks, a total of 7 exchanges. After each exchange, send a brief written report to Brooke. Guidance and Q&A for this course will be integrated into the Bachelor’s Study Group zoom classes.
Shamanic Training Level 1 will be presented directly after the Master’s Study Group zoom class, at 2:30 – 3:15pm ET. The class will be taught by Neil Schapera. Students will be required to do a partner exchange once every 2 weeks, a total of 6 exchanges. After each exchange, participants will write a report and send it to Neil.
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