Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Guest Post: Introverts Can Utilize These Self-Care Strategies

As an introvert, balancing social engagement with personal time is vital for your well-being, but it can be challenging to maintain. This article, courtesy of Crystal Healing Techniques, explores strategies tailored to your unique needs, helping you maintain emotional and mental health.

Embrace Solitude to Recharge

One of the most important aspects of self-care for introverts is recognizing the need for solitude. It’s essential to dedicate regular periods of time for yourself to unwind and recharge. Whether it’s reading a book, listening to music, or simply sitting in silence, finding what truly helps you reset is key. This time alone is not a luxury but a necessity, enabling you to return to your daily activities refreshed and more focused.

Continue Your Education

Don’t let introversion or social anxiety hold you back from achieving your dreams. For example, by earning a computer science degree, you can build your skills in IT, programming, and computer science theory without needing to navigate traditional classroom settings. If you’re looking for a way to advance your career while managing your comfort levels, this may help.

Set Clear Personal Boundaries

Understanding and communicating your limits with others is vital. Clearly define how much social interaction is too much and learn to say no without feeling guilty. Setting these boundaries helps prevent burnout and ensures that you have enough energy for both work and personal commitments. Remember, expressing your needs doesn’t make you difficult; it makes you self-aware.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Guest Post: Nature Therapy & Recovery From Substance Abuse

 Nature Therapy & Recovery From Substance Abuse

The natural world has immense power to heal people who are pursuing sobriety from substance abuse. From lowering stress to building self-efficacy, exposure to nature can help create lasting change in your life. The following article explores the techniques, science, and numerous benefits of nature therapy for people battling addiction.

What Is Nature Therapy?

Nature therapy, also known as ecotherapy or green therapy, is defined as the practice of spending time in nature as a way to improve your mental, physical, and emotional well-being. The basic idea behind nature therapy is that humans evolved in the natural world and being in nature reminds us of our place in the ecosystem, bringing a sense of calm and belonging to our lives. Nature therapy may encompass various activities like hiking, camping, gardening, forest bathing, and animal-assisted therapies. The overall goal of green therapy is to immerse your senses in the natural world to reduce stress.

Different Types of Nature Therapy

There are many ways to practice nature therapy. Below are some of the most common:

• hiking in natural settings like forests, mountains, or beaches
• disconnecting from technology entirely and camping in the wilderness
• horticultural therapy, also known as gardening or taking care of houseplants
• animal-assisted therapy that may involve equine therapy or spending time with your dog or cat
• forest bathing, which involves utilizing all five senses in nature
• earthing or grounding, which involves sitting or walking barefoot on the earth
• dark nature activities that take place at night, such as stargazing

While there are many types of therapy involving nature, not all of them will be right for your unique needs. Try to find activities you enjoy that allow immersion in nature, which will help elicit the maximum benefit.

Benefits of Nature Therapy for Drug and Alcohol Addiction

People recovering from substance use disorders can benefit greatly from nature therapy. One of the most prominent benefits is how nature therapy can contribute to the reduction of stress, depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues that arise or contribute to addiction. Ecotherapy can also promote mindfulness and living in the present moment, as well as boost physical health through outdoor activities. There’s also evidence that being in nature decreases negative thought patterns while increasing self-esteem and emotional well-being. Overall, nature therapy can help you gain mental and physical strength during the addiction recovery process.

Get More Info : How To Become A Certified Crystal Healer

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Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Understanding the Sensual Connection with Crystals

Vivien is interviewed by Candia Raquel of candiaraquel.com

Episode #102 The Sensual Magic Of Crystals — Vivien Schapera

Watch on YouTube here

In this episode, Vivian’s insights into integrating the Alexander Technique with crystal healing offer a unique perspective on how we can enhance our sensory experiences of delight and overall well-being. By embracing the principles of awareness, inhibition, and receptivity, we can achieve a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us through sensual pleasure.

Discovering the Intersection of Alexander Technique and Crystal Healing

Candia: Welcome, Vivian! It’s such a pleasure to have you here.

Vivian: Thank you, Candia. I’m honored to be here and excited to share my journey and insights.

Candia: I’m really curious about how you combined Alexander Technique with crystal healing. It seems like quite a unique fusion. Could you share a bit about your background and how these two practices came together for you?

Vivian: Certainly! My journey with crystals began when I was just 10 years old. During a family visit to Namibia, I encountered beautiful pink rose quartz rocks. This experience was incredibly sensual and left a lasting impression on me. I was transfixed by the energy and beauty of these crystals.

On the other hand, I discovered the Alexander Technique much later, around age 20. As a child, I struggled with poor posture, which led to a lot of discomfort and tension in my body. I was seeking a solution to my posture issues and came across the Alexander Technique, which focuses on body alignment and movement.

Interestingly, the Alexander Technique and crystals both found their way into my life through serendipitous moments. Crystals captivated me from a young age, while the Alexander Technique presented itself as the answer I had been searching for to alleviate my posture problems.

Get More Info : Crystal Courses For Beginners

Website : https://crystalhealingtechniques.com/

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Thursday, September 12, 2024

Guest Post: Flexibility at Work -Top Strategies for Implementing Remote and Flexible Schedules

As businesses navigate the evolving landscape of work, the adoption of remote work and flexible scheduling has become a pivotal strategy for enhancing employee satisfaction and productivity. Embracing these changes not only caters to the diverse needs of the modern workforce but also offers companies a competitive edge in attracting and retaining top talent. This article from Four Winds Academy explores various strategies that businesses can implement to facilitate a seamless transition to remote work and flexible scheduling, ensuring that both employers and employees reap the benefits of this adaptable approach.

Embrace Remote Work

Remote work not only boosts engagement and job satisfaction but fundamentally transforms work-life balance for employees. Freed from the daily commute, staff gain precious hours that can be redirected toward more sleep, quality moments with family, regular exercise, and crafting nutritious meals. This control over one’s daily schedule reduces stress and increases overall productivity, as employees feel more empowered and less tethered to the constraints of a traditional office setting.

Train for Remote Success

To ensure a smooth transition to remote work, it is crucial to provide staff with adequate training and resources. This includes mastering time management skills, becoming proficient with digital tools, and learning how to set up an ergonomic workspace at home. By offering comprehensive training sessions, businesses can empower employees to excel in a remote setting, minimizing the learning curve and helping them adapt to new technologies and methodologies effectively.

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Website : https://crystalhealingtechniques.com/

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Monday, September 9, 2024

Experts Explain Key Principles of Intuitive Healing

Recently, Vivien was asked by Angela Murphy of Mystic Mag to contribute to an article about Intuitive Healing.

You can read what Vivien and other experts have to say about Intuitive Healing in Mystic Mag’s online article.

Here’s the link.

Vivien writes: “I define intuitive healing as a systematic method for harnessing what we don’t know. What we know is much, much smaller than what we do know. In logic, we proceed systematically from the facts that we do know. This excludes what we don’t know. In intuition, we allow a synergy of what we perceive (know) and what is beyond our perception, to build a new picture that provides new understanding and new information. This new information then has to stand up to a ‘reality test.’ In other words, it must exactly fit in with the known facts, even while providing brand new insight. There are many forms of intuition. Analytical thinking takes many forms, and so does intuitive thinking. My intuitive process, which I teach as ‘reading energy,’ requires a combination of telepathy, empathic resonance, kinesthetic sensitivity, claircognizance, clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and channeling. I also teach my students about the mind screen and how to develop a detailed capacity to see energy via this dynamic. For me, intuition is even more systematic and disciplined than analytical thinking, and it requires releasing ego and stepping out of the way of the process.

Get More Info : Metaphysical Properties of Kyanite

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Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Spirit Report: Shamanic Journey on the River of Surprises and Visit the Crystal Cave

The purpose of this Journey is to travel to the Spirit realm of the Lower World and and request that the Spirits help me travel in a Spirit canoe on the River of Surprises.

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Listen to the Journey here

So from my hollowed out tree trunk I find the portal opening on the floor.

I slip through it and almost like a fireman sliding down a pole in a fire station, I have my energy beam like a black cord that I’m sliding down, not really holding onto it, but sliding alongside it, going down and down, looking to transition to a shamanic state of consciousness where I’ll be able to be shown the wonders of the Spirit realm, and receive the guidance from my Spirit helpers in the Lower World.

And I’m going down and down, and I actually see a river below me. It’s as if it’s in the jungle, it’s surrounded by very dense forest and from above I can see the river extremely wide and I land in where I’ve been before which is what I’ve called a lake – hippo lake – where there are a lot of hippos.

And there’s an island that I’ve been to before, and there is a canoe, a wooden canoe with paddles, and I land virtually right at this canoe and get into it.

I guess this lake must connect to the river and I immediately feel myself, feel the canoe, being pushed from behind, and understand that the hippos are pushing me very quickly, ’cause I’d wondered how far I would need to go to get to the river and how much effort that might take.

But I’m being pushed and then there is a narrow channel surrounded by very high grass that I can’t really see over, and I understand this is a channel linking the lake to the river and I enter the river and I believe the hippos have left.

This is a moving river and I’m traveling along and wishing for a Spirit, a helping Spirit of the Lower World to be with me to guide me on this Journey. The canoe is drifting along and the Spirits have told me that I need a more definite purpose for this Journey.

What do I want to see on this river?

I need to state what I want to see, and I’m thinking about it and I somehow now know that there is a crystal cave, a cave that the river or parts of it flow through, that is magnificent. I don’t really know how I know this or where this idea comes from, and the Spirits are pleased, they say yes, that’s a very good place to go to.

So the canoe is now going in a more deliberate way to a destination, and the Spirits are saying to me that this is a teaching – that we must have an idea of what we want, and it doesn’t have to be the only thing we want, and we might change our minds, but in order to not drift aimlessly, there has to be an interest and intention.

Get More Info : Vibration of self healed crystals

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Friday, August 23, 2024

Vivien in Conversation with Brandy Gillmore – What’s Your Emotional Recipe

 Vivien in Conversation with Brandy Gillmore – What’s Your Emotional Recipe

Mastering Your Mind

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Listen to the conversation here

Vivien: Hello and welcome to The Schapera Show where Vivien and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. Our guest today is a woman with an extremely inspirational and empowering story and her name is Brandy Gillmore, author of Master Your Mind and Energy to Heal Your Body: You Can Be Your Own Cure. Hi Brandy! Thank you for coming on the show.

Brandy: Thank you, Vivien, I’m glad to be here.

Vivien: Brandy, before we go any further, I would like us to share something important with our listeners. And that is: you may think you’ve heard this before … but you haven’t. This is new. And not only is this new, Brandy’s work has captured the attention of researchers, doctors and scientists worldwide, and this is not just a claim. Brandy’s research has been published in a prestigious medical journal.

Brandy: Yes, that’s right, my work has been published in Health Medical Journal, Tedx Talks and in several documentaries or docuseries such as On a scale from 0-10, Pain Revealed, Women’s Health Secrets, and more.

Vivien: Brandy, these are truly impressive accomplishments, how were you able to achieve this?

Brandy: I was able to show results using medical equipment. I also would have thought that this was impossible, but I can actually show people in chronic pain reducing their pain literally within minutes, and this was measurable.

Vivien: Wow! That’s fantastic. I’m so glad that your work is being recognized because chronic pain is a very big issue as it affects so many people. Were you once in chronic pain? Is that how you came to discover your method?

Brandy: Yes, that is how it began for me.

Vivien: What’s the difference between your method and other “mind over matter” methods?

Brandy: Firstly, this is NOT mind over matter – I personally don’t believe in that. This is about our emotions. Our emotions have a huge impact on us. Remember, you can die from a broken heart. Stress can cause auto-immune conditions. This is not about mind, but about emotions and the key is creating a genuine emotional shift.

Get More Info : Healing benefits of Azurite

Website : https://crystalhealingtechniques.com/

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Guest Post: Introverts Can Utilize These Self-Care Strategies

As an introvert, balancing social engagement with personal time is vital for your well-being, but it can be challenging to maintain. This ar...