We can all read energy already
This course is designed to help you see how you already read energy and to systematically build a set of conscious skills.
A series of images will demonstrate that you already have this faculty. Reading energy becomes a way of life, as you become aware how we do this all the time anyway.
The cues are already in the textbook, in the form of the analogies provided for each technique and procedure. This course will look at the analogies and teach you how to unpack the information that is contained in them to build your energy reading skills.
Understanding the mechanics of telepathy, recognizing the manifestation of telepathy.
The Kinesthetic Sense
Understanding your kinesthetic sense is essential to consciously reading energy. This lesson will include the definition of kinesthesia, how to develop kinesthetic sensitivity, how to quiet your internal noise, how to feel “yes” and “no” in your body, and then how to apply all of this to the analogies in the textbook.
Empathic Resonance
The definition of empathic resonance, becoming more and more aware of your empathic resonance, tracking how you feel under different circumstances, tracking how you feel in the session, and cataloguing which feelings go with which kinds of energetic dynamics.
The “Just Knowing” feeling
Identifying “just knowing,” exploring how “just knowing” works, observing how your brand of “just knowing” pans out in real life.
The Mind Screen
What is the mind screen, how does it work, how to develop more and more detailed images on the mind screen.
Consulting Spirit Guides and Other Realms
How to do that inside a session, developing a panel of consultants, whose guides – yours or the client’s? When to speak up — the 3-time rule – and when to keep your mouth shut.
The Art of Wording
The key is in the questions. Framing the answers to be helpful and supportive and to avoid being scary and disempowering. Letting the client find the meaning.
- Three 1.5 hour Zoom conference calls: One at the beginning, one in the middle, one at the end. The calls are for Q&A, sharing and discussion.
- Zoom Calls will be held on the following dates and times:
- You will be paired with 6 partners and you will work with each partner once. You have 9 weeks to complete the 6 sessions. I thought it would be advisable to give some leeway.
- Time Zones: Participants are spread across 5 different time zones in 6 different countries: South Africa, U.K. and the 3 North American time zones. When emailing each other to set up session times, please remember to communicate with each other about which time zone you are in.
- Recorded video explanations, as well as written instructions, for learning the content.
- 6 Structured lessons with clear guidelines, plus 3 conference calls. Course will run for 9 weeks.
- Working remotely in partnerships, once per week, for 6 weeks. 1-Hour at a time, scheduled by you in accordance with your calendar, doing 30-minute readings on each other.
- Working with a series of partners, not one partner. The idea is to read different peoples’ energies and experience the comparisons and contrasts.
- A quiz at the end of each lesson, that is submitted to the instructor, for tracking progress.
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