Monday, October 30, 2023

Vivien Interviews Joanne Franchina - I believe in making the world a better place by making myself better


Vivien: Hello and welcome to The Schapera Show where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life.
Our guest today is my friend and colleague Joanne Franchina. Joanne is a Life Coach, Medium, and Teacher, and she is the founder of Inner Compass, a Cincinnati-based intuitive life coaching practice. Hi Joanne, thank you for coming on the show.

Joanne: Thank you, Vivien, I’m glad to be here.

Vivien: Joanne, I’m really pleased to get this chance to interact with you, because you are one of the iconic figures in the metaphysical community of Cincinnati, and you are one person in particular who “got me comfortable” with accepting my own identity as a metaphysical person. You see, I don’t find the “woo-woo” image at all appealing and didn’t want to be identified as a “woo woo” person — but when I saw how you and your mom, Jaccolyn, carried off your identities, I felt “safer.”

Joanne: Yes, that’s right! I come from a long line of clairvoyant mediums and energy healers. I was born down the road from a small town in New York called Lily Dale, a mecca for Spiritualists. And a mecca for me. I have returned there nearly every summer of my life. But I grew up a typical kid in a happy home — actually, many happy homes as my father’s career in retail management meant our family moved households twelve times before I was graduated from high school.

Vivien: That’s the thing, isn’t it — we’re regular people aren’t we! We also go to school and college, get married, have children. Even though we’re able to connect with the etheric realm, we still have to live a “normal” life here on the earth, like everybody else. In this “normal” life, did you go to college?

Joanne: Yes, I did. And it’s true — I had to come to my identity on my own, in my own way, building it for myself. I received a bachelor’s degree in English and Political Science from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. I gained extensive corporate experience in telecommunications and information technology as a technical writer, training course developer, and quality assurance manager.

In fact, it was the stresses of juggling motherhood and a successful professional career that brought me to learn meditation and life-coaching skills in 1996. My extraordinary experiences with meditation and the power of intention led me to further studies of metaphysical and spiritual subjects that ultimately resulted in a career change of a higher order.

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Friday, October 27, 2023

Red Garnet: Pushes Out Negativity

Garnet is definitely one of my favorite stones, since I was a little girl and my piano teacher showed us her ring with garnets. This was no ordinary teacher, this teacher, Margaret Baird, was the wife of TV inventor, John Logie Baird – believe it or not!!! That made her famous to me, but so did her garnets, because she had found the raw stones herself one day, when playing outside.

While we associate Rubies with the color red, Rubies actually have a pink cast, whereas Garnets are a very deep, rich red color. I tend to use Red Uvite as my red root chakra stone, but Red Uvite is both rare and expensive, so I asked Red Uvite what a good alternate stone is and it said: “Garnet, of course!” as if I was being a particularly dumb student. And it’s true, I was being a bit dumb because once I was told, I have to admit it was blatantly obvious.

But that’s not all. Red Uvite is appealing to me, because Uvite has the capacity to “pull out” negativity. Garnet on the other hand “pushes out” negativity. And as I’m talking to Garnet, it is saying: “But Vivien, not only that — Uvite comes in red, green and black … and so does Garnet. Garnet also comes in red, green and black.” Wow, what one only learns when one bothers to tune in! And now that I’ve brought this into conscious clarity, Garnet is asking me to specify that today I am talking to Red Garnet — as Green Garnet definitely deserves a conversation of its own.

As I already said, Red Garnet is a fantastic Root Chakra stone. One year, I bought a bunch of Garnets, and had Red Garnet slices made. These are very convenient to use in several ways — as a Chakra stone, definitely, and also, we hold these Garnet slices on the soles of the feet. This is a straightforward technique, easy to do, that delivers an excellent effect — namely, this opens the flow between the chakras. One of the most important dynamics in a healing session is to get the chakras to harmonize and work cooperatively. If the flow from chakra to chakra is blocked, then energy cannot flow correctly through the energy system — so the Garnet’s capacity to invite, and catalyze, this flow is very significant. I have recently been inspired to place these Garnet slices on top of the hands, during the healing session, where the stones can achieve a similar result, even whilst the practitioner is attending to other techniques and procedures.


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Tuesday, October 17, 2023

Spirit Report: How Can Humans Take Care of their Mental Health


This was an easy topic to come up with for the shamanic journey for today’s show, as it’s so clear, that the mental health of our country and probably of the entire planet, of humans, is not optimum. And that it’s important that we do something for our mental health, our mental fitness, robustness, resilience, etc.
This is urgent as deteriorating mental health will have dire consequences for humanity, for the planet. So I’m traveling upwards alongside my energy beam, going up and up and up, as always sticking close to the beam and giving myself gentle little tugs, where I’m not actually climbing, like climbing a rope, but just using it as a guide, and as a boost that takes me up.
I’m seeing pink marble steps at the Upper World which I’ve seen many times before, and I understand these are an entryway to the Upper World. I climb up them and I’m calling in my Spirit teachers of the Upper World. I go through their identities as, as is usual, I want to have a full team of Spirit support with me. I go through their identities in my silent mind. And I also call in my benevolent Spirit Ancestors, the Spirits of my ancestors to bring their benevolence and compassion and wisdom and perspective. I’m shown immediately an old time water well, like one might see in children’s story books, it’s got a circular low brick or stone wall around it, and a little canopy above, and a reel for lowering a bucket to get the water below.
I’m not sure why I’m being shown this at this at the moment. I do get an immediate message that to get goodness, to get the goodness, one has to go down deep.
So the water, the desirable water, is deep below, and one has to lower the container deep down to get the water. I will have to think more about the meaning of this.
I’m being told that mental health – that’s just the short phrase that is being used – mental wellness, mental fitness, is absolutely essential, just as water is essential for human life, animal life, and plant life. Mental health, is essential for all life on our planet. It’s absolutely essential. Without it life withers and eventually dies. 

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Thursday, October 12, 2023

Howlite: The Most Underrated Stone Ever!

Howlite — The Most Underrated Stone Ever!

Match the color that you wear to your inner vibrational frequency.

Welcome back to The Schapera Show, where Viv and Neil explore this big adventure called Life. This is the part of the show where I, Vivien, talk to crystals and today we are talking to Howlite. While we are all running around oohing and aahing over expensive crystals like Tourmaline and Aquamarine, there is a freely available, inexpensive option that is unbelievably versatile and powerful and it is called “Howlite.”

Howlite has to be the most underrated stone ever. Its appearance is pleasant enough — to me it looks a little bit like the marble we see on kitchen countertops — white with grey veins, but its effect is phenomenal!

Let’s first talk about Howlite’s versatility. It is so versatile, that it gets dyed and sold as: Turquoise, Lapis, Sodalite, Aventurine and Sugilite. There are two aspects to dyeing a stone. The first is to resemble the other stone — so that means the end buyer can be fooled into thinking the Howlite is one of these other stones, Turquoise for example, because of what it looks like. But let’s remember, we all ultimately decide on buying a stone, not because of what it looks like — even if this is the initial attraction — but because of how it feels. And if we look up the most sought-after properties of Turquoise, Lapis, Sodalite, Aventurine and Sugilite we discover that lo and behold — Howlite has those properties too!

Here’s an example of how Howlite is underrated: Melody says in her Mineral Encyclopedia: “Howlite has been used to eliminate pain, stress and rage; hence it is quite nice to have around.” (p.364) I mean really!!! What more can we want — and then all Howlite gets is a “quite nice,” instead of a “pretty darn spectacular!”

So, what are these spectacular properties that Howlite has? Howlite:

  • Supports reason, observation and patience, as well as memory and the pursuit of knowledge — thereby supporting the intellect
  • Antidotes over-critical behaviors, selfishness, and facetiousness
  • Supports emotional balance
  • Builds “innate decency,” paving the path to spirituality

Additionally, Howlite can “lessen both rudeness and boisterousness, and can further provide for a reflection of the offender to the offender. It discourages impertinent behavior and encourages subtlety and tact.” p.364

Physiologically, Howlite is also good for balancing calcium and helping issues with teeth, bone and soft tissue.

In summary, Howlite positively affects us physically, intellectually, emotionally and spiritually — which is why it can be disguised, with mere dye, as a host of significant stones. Bottom line: Don’t throw your dyed stones out just because they are dyed, your dyed stones are quite probably Howlite, a dignified contender.

When I ask Howlite what it wants to say to you all, it is quite clear: “Ask yourself: “Am I being underrated by myself or others? The answer is probably ‘yes.’”

And then, in a very surprising twist, Howlite adds: “There is a saying: ‘The clothes maketh the man.’ This is true! I become appreciated and recognized when I am dyed a different color, because that is when my core traits — my true value — become perceived.

“Choose your clothes to reflect your inner nature and you will enjoy life even more. The principle is to have to your clothes match your inner vibrational frequency so that you both feel 100% comfortable and people can recognize what lies under the surface. One of the best ways to do this, is through the correct use of color. Each color has its vibrational frequency and by matching the color that you wear with your vibrational frequency, you support and enhance your energy.

“In your culture, you tend to all dress the same — like a uniform — depicting that you ‘belong.’ This is OK, but you also need to show who you are. Let your colors and your clothes harmonize correctly with your vibrational frequency and you will be quite gratified at what happens next.”

Well, thank you, Howlite. I am quite gratified to receive such surprising and helpful insights from you, and clearly … next stop is “shopping!”

Thank you all for joining us here on The Schapera Show. Please join us again next month!

Spirit Report: Meeting a Spirit in Plant Form

 Listen to just Neils segment of the Schapera Show above You can listen to the entire Schapera Show broadcast of Friday 01-10-2025 here Hi ...