Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Spirit Report: How to Resolve and Manage Conflict

The purpose of this journey is to travel to the Spirit Realm of the Upper World to request the Spirits that they give me guidance, around the topic of “how to resolve and manage conflict”.

I’m standing on a mountain ledge and I see, as if it’s a rope being lowered to me, my energy beam that I travel alongside to go up to the Upper World.
I see it being lowered and as it touches the ground, there’s like a spark or flash of light, which I haven’t seen before, and I put my hands and my feet around the energy beam, as if I’m climbing a rope, and start pulling and pushing myself up.

As I go higher it becomes easier, until I’m simply floating up alongside the beam. I’m going up and up and again putting out my request to the compassionate Spirit teachers of the Upper World, to please meet me, and help me, and give me guidance on this topic, of how to manage and resolve conflict.

In the back of my mind the kind of conflict that I’m thinking of is more interpersonal – so conflict between family members, conflict between friends, and conflict interestingly between enemies. So at this point I’m not thinking of groups or countries or nations or societies but more on the individual level.

I come to the wide pink stairway that I’ve encountered a number of times before that’s almost an entryway to the Upper World. What’s interesting on this occasion, is that the steps are all wet – they’re all covered in water ,and my first thought or understanding as I see this, is of them being slippery and tricky or dangerous, so my thought here is of how this topic is a tricky topic, and its easy to slip on.
So I go up the stairs carefully. I stick to one side where there is some sort of support – almost like a marble banister, and I think there’s a message in that too – that when when is trying to deal with this tricky topic of resolving conflict, one needs to have some safety – its a “slippery” topic.

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